First Aid Checklist
Many small firms will only need to make the minimum first-aid provision, i.e. to have an appointed person. We recommend that all appointed persons attend the 4 hour Emergency Aid for Appointed Persons course.
However, there are factors which might make greater provision necessary for your business, and the following checklist covers the points you should consider.
Points to consider
Click on the points below to see the impact on first aid provision.
You are required by law to make an assessment of significant risks in your workplace.
If the risks are significant you may need to employ first aiders
(information about the difference between appointed persons and first aiders).
You may also need to implement different levels of first aid provision in different parts of your business.
What are the risks of injury and ill health identified in this risk assessment?
If the risks are significant you may need to employ first aiders
(information about the difference between appointed persons and first aiders).
You may also need to implement different levels of first aid provision in different parts of your business.
How many people are employed on site?
You may need to employ first aiders (see our first aid personnel guidelines)
Does your workplace have low hazards such as those that might be found in offices and shops?
The minimum provision is:
- an appointed person to take charge of first aid arrangements
- a suitably stocked first aid box.
Does your workplace have higher hazards such as chemicals or dangerous machinery?
You should consider:
- Providing first aiders
- Additional training for first aiders to deal with injuries resulting from special hazards
- Additional first aid equipment
- Precise siting of first aid equipment
- Providing a first aid room
- Informing the emergency services
Do your work activities involve special hazards such as hydrofluoric acid or confined spaces?
You should consider:
- Providing first aiders
- Additional training for first aiders to deal with injuries resulting from special hazards
- Additional first aid equipment
- Precise siting of first aid equipment
- Providing a first aid room
- Informing the emergency services
Are there parts of your establishment where different levels of risk can be identified (e.g. University with laboratories)?
You will probably need to make different levels of provision in different parts of the establishment.
What is your record of accidents and cases of ill health?
Ensure your first aid provision will cater for the type of injuries and illness that might occur in your workplace. Monitor accidents and ill health and review your first aid provision as appropriate.
What injuries and illness have occurred and where did they happen?
Ensure your first aid provision will cater for the type of injuries and illness that might occur in your workplace. Monitor accidents and ill health and review your first aid provision as appropriate.
Are there inexperienced workers on site, or employees with disabilities or special health problems?
You should consider:
- additional training for first aiders
- additional first aid equipment
- local siting of first aid equipment
Your first aid provision should cover any work experience trainees.
Are the premises spread out, eg are there several buildings on the site or multi-floor buildings?
You should consider:
- additional training for first aiders
- additional first aid equipment
- local siting of first aid equipment
You will need to evaluate the provision in each building or on several floors.
Is there shift work or out-of-hours working?
Remember that there needs to be adequate first-aid provision at all times people are at work.
Is your workplace remote from emergency medical services?
You will need to:
- inform local medical services of your location
- consider special arrangements with the emergency services
Do you have employees who travel a lot, work remotely or work alone?
You should consider:
- issuing personal first-aid kits and training staff in their use
- issuing personal communicators to employees working remotely
- issuing mobile phones to lone workers
Do any of your employees work at sites occupied by other employers?
You will need to make arrangements with the other site occupiers to ensure adequate provision of first aid. A written agreement between employers is strongly recommended.
Do you have sufficient provision to cover absences of first aiders or appointed persons?
You should consider what cover is needed for:
- Annual leave and other planned absences
- Unplanned and exceptional absences
Do members of the public visit your premises?
Under the HSE regulations, you have no legal obligation to provide first aid for non-employees, but HSE strongly recommends that you include them in your first-aid provision. This is particularly relevant in workplaces that provide a service for others, such as schools, places of entertainment, fairgrounds and shops.